Monday, September 7, 2009

is it safe to fly with a 3mth old

is it safe to fly with a 3mth old?
he's a preemie, (6wks) early i want to visit fam for thankgiving, it's an hr flight to Cincinnati. by the time we fly out he'll be just shy of 3 months , just wondering if its safe ie. pressure. ear popping etc
Newborn & Baby - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
recommend the drive
3 :
Yeah it's perfectly fine. My parents flew with me at 3 days. Your 3 month old will be fine.
4 :
It's safe for him to be in a plane, but with the crowds, stress, bags, noise, hassle and all of that he might get squished, lost, or sick from the stress. It's unlikely, but still there. At least it's a short flight. I'd say do it (Especially if you're going through some not-too-large airports) but if you think it might be better to just leave him with a nanny then do what you think is best. If you're flying then be sure to watch him and keep him close and visable at all times. (Visable to others so that they think twice before cramming next to you to squeeze into a line or something) I think it'll be fine.
5 :
If you nurse him or give him a bottle during take off and landing, it might help his ears. The sucking will help with the change in pressure.
6 :
yes it will be fine i flew with my 1 month old from cali to oklahoma and he slept most of the time your baby will be fine feed him if he gets un comfy thats all
7 :
Yes it's ok. I took my 3 month old to Fiji. She was fine. Best to feed them when taking off and landing to help with the pressure changes. My little girl slept all the way.

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